Patient Portal

Some features of the portal:

New Patient Paperwork

Easily fill out your new patient paperwork via our patient portal, this is required 48 hours prior to your new patient appointment.


Save a card on file which is required per our financial agreement, here you can access your receipts and super bills for insurance, your own records or HSA purposes.

Visit Summaries

View your visit summary and instructions for care at any time.

Labs and Imaging Results

Download your labs and imaging reports for your records or to share with your care team.

Scheduling/ Rescheduling Appointments

You can schedule an appointment online at any time via your patient portal, or message our medical assistant Julie Teach to reschedule your appointments (48 hours advance notice is required)

Messaging Your Care Team

You can send a secure text or email to your care team. If you have any questions or concerns about a current treatment plan please contact Dr. Karrina Wallace. If you need to reschedule an appointment please message Julie. If you have a new medical question, please call our office to schedule an appointment.
